Lady Liberty
Americana Series #1
May 8, 2017
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
-Emma Lazarus
I remember lying on my belly as a little bitty girl on our brown carpet staring at our equally brown encyclopedias. I SO wished back then that I could read and from time to time, I’d pull out the “S” book to find (what I referred to as) the “Star Lady”. One of my parents would show me the pictures and read to me a little bit about the Statue of Liberty. Saying we’d visit her someday. My heart would swell and I’d sigh with hope as I’d put the book away. Little did I know that 35 years later I’d find the need to pose as the STAR LADY for the freedom of the oppressed.
Unless we visit the huge statue of the Divine Feminine on Ellis Island, we think little of Her. We certainly weren’t TAUGHT that She’s a Goddess or Her connection to the Greek Goddess Libertas or Her similarity to monuments with “Goddess” in their title. But She is.
“Seeing Lady Liberty as the Goddess of America leads to the realization that the empowerment of contemporary women is essential for achieving sustainable liberty for all.” – http://secretlifeofladyliberty.com “Liberty” means EVERY RIGHT OF FREEDOM.
And just LAST NIGHT according to the USA Today, http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/03/08/statue-of-liberty-darkness-light-new-york/98887310/ the LIGHTS of the actual statue of LADY LIBERTY WENT OUT. All but Her crown and torch went dark. Some claimed via Twitter, that She too was protesting for International Women’s Day along with Her other American sister’s and was taking the DAY OFF.
I don’t blame Her, many women and minorities have felt the abuse of the new all-rich-white-male presidential cabinet. Many memes and pictures have portrayed the turquoise American Goddess in the past few weeks as either being physically abused by the new president or shown to be weeping. One German parade float horrificly even had the likeness of Lady Liberty being sodomized by the yellow comb-over’d “leader of the FREE world”.
SHE REPRESENTS ALL OF US: the women and children, all of our ancestors who came here for a better life and the native people whose land was raped and concrete poured over as the waters are filled with deadly toxins. But SHE STANDS STRONG, She persists and with hope and courage we must do the same until Liberty rules all!!!
Special thanks to photographer and Graphic magician, David Clanton. http://DavidClanton.com For more Goddesses go to:
https://plus.google.com/107287050579003737566 , the Free Sophia Facebook page or http://freesophia.com
By Judi Kettelson
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses
Yearning to breathe Free
That is what our Lady
Has always meant to me.
She stands so tall
Her light shines bright
She is never really out of sight.
A beaken of Hope
For hundreds of years
When I look at her
I am filled with tears.
Such a Beautiful Lady
As she stands there so Proud
A promise of Freedom
She screams it so Loud.
Right now she’s on pause
Not telling her Story
But soon she will Speak
In all of her Glory
Give me your Tired, your Poor
Your huddled masses
Yearning to breathe Free
That’s what our Statue of Liberty
Will always mean to me…
Your article and photo are so powerful! This is a fantastic post, so timely and important! “Seeing Lady Liberty as the Goddess of America leads to the realization that the empowerment of contemporary women is essential for achieving sustainable liberty for all.” ASHE, so true! People everywhere need to read your amazing post!